The ODDentity Podcast
The ODDentity Podcast: Janine Mercer discusses tales of the paranormal, urban legends, folklore, and (occasionally) true crime, with just the right amount of sarcasm and humor. Send me your paranormal stories! Available wherever you binge.
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
S5 Ep. 5: Through A Glass, Darkly
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
S5 Ep. 5: Through A Glass, Darkly
Hello ODDPod listeners and welcome back to another episode. This week, I’d like to introduce you to Mary Worth, otherwise known as Bloody Mary (depending on who you ask) and the urban legends surrounding this common childhood experience.
The ODDentity Podcast is brought to you on a weekly basis by host Janine Mercer.
The podcast is written, produced, and edited by Janine Mercer (unless otherwise stated), and the music is provided by Garage Band.
Find the odd pod on Twitter and Instagram @oddentitypod and on Facebook as The Oddentity Podcast. You are welcome to email suggestions for future episodes to and if you’d like a transcript of this episode, one will be available at
Please take a moment to leave a 5* review on iTunes and, if you haven’t already, please make sure to mash that Subscribe button to be sure you’re in the know when a new episode drops. Sincerest thanks to those who have promoted The ODDentity Podcast to their family, friends, and coworkers. Every little bit helps!
Dundes Article
[Bloody Mary in the Mirror: A Ritual Reflection of Pre-Pubescent Anxiety Author(s): Alan Dundes Source: Western Folklore, Vol. 57, No. 2/3 (Spring - Summer, 1998), pp. 119-135 Published by: Western States Folklore Society Stable URL: Accessed: 29/2/2020 3:12:37 PM CST]
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
S5 Ep. 4: World's Fair
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
S5 Ep. 4: World’s Fair
This week, I’ll be taking you to the Windy City of 1893, the World’s Fair, and introducing you to a, particularly diabolical fellow. A man who saw the fair as an opportunity to swindle and to murder. A man by the name of Herman Webster Mudgett, otherwise known by his alias Dr. Henry Howard Holmes.
This episode contains a safe used for a nefarious purpose, the world’s first Ferris wheel, The Windy City, and a Murder Castle.
This week, I’d like to thank Cindie Harper, the Director of Historical Research and Paranormal Documentation at Sweet Springs Sanitarium in West Virginia. The interview I did with Cindie will be available on a future episode, but I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the time Cindie spent talking with me about Old Sweet, the paranormal happenings there, the fascinating history of the place, and the restoration efforts that are ongoing. Thanks, Cindie! I’m so glad I had the opportunity to chat with you. It’s always a treat to meet a fellow paranormal enthusiast and to learn about a new haunted location! Say hi to the spirits for me.
There’ll be more info about Old Sweet when that episode goes live, but I do want to let you know that there is an effort to collect funds for the rebuilding and repair of structures at the Sanitarium. If you’d like to help out, pop on over to and mash that donate button!
The ODDentity Podcast is brought to you on a weekly basis by host Janine Mercer.
The podcast is written, produced, and edited by Janine Mercer (unless otherwise stated), and the music is provided by Garage Band.
Find the odd pod on Twitter and Instagram @oddentitypod and on Facebook as The Oddentity Podcast. You are welcome to email suggestions for future episodes to and if you’d like a transcript of this episode, one will be available at
Please take a moment to leave a 5* review on iTunes and, if you haven’t already, please make sure to mash that Subscribe button to be sure you’re in the know when a new episode drops. Sincerest thanks to those who have promoted The ODDentity Podcast to their family, friends, and coworkers. Every little bit helps!
Parnilis Media’s Holmes: a serial killer in his own words
Holmes’ Own Story by Herman Mudgett alias H. H. Holmes
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
S5 Ep. 3: Not in Vein
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
S5 Ep. 3: Not in Vein
Boar bile enemas, urine as an antiseptic, and thick needles used to remove cataracts… Medical history is weird and some aspects of it are absolutely horrifying. I mean, I understand that we had to start somewhere. How were we to know that creating a poultice for an open wound using human excrement was a bad idea? We had to try it and see what would happen! Guesswork. All of it.
This episode contains bloodletting, other strange practices like cupping (yeah, it makes me uncomfortable, too), and Flying Barbers.
Find the odd pod on Twitter and Instagram @oddentitypod and on Facebook as The Oddentity Podcast. You are welcome to email suggestions for future episodes to and if you’d like a transcript of this episode, one will be available at
Please take a moment to leave a 5* review on iTunes and, if you haven’t already, please make sure to mash that Subscribe button to be sure you’re in the know when a new episode drops. Sincerest thanks to those who have promoted The ODDentity Podcast to their family, friends, and coworkers. Every little bit helps!
If you are contemplating suicide or just need someone to talk to about what you’re feeling, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741 (in the U.S.) I’m also including a link to NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Call 1-800-950-NAMI or Text NAMI to 741741. I’ve also included a list of helplines worldwide.
Please remember: You are not alone.
Monday Jan 27, 2020
S5 Ep. 2: Scared to Death
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
This week, I wanted to explore the nightmarish vision that is The Man in the Hat, a common figure seen during what many of us know as sleep paralysis. I’ve tackled my rendition of the creature that causes sleep paralysis in my part of the world on a past episode, The Hag and the folklore surrounding it, but I find it very interesting that The Man in the Hat is a commonality in many American cases of sleep paralysis.
This episode contains some unpleasant dreams, listener tales of real-life experiences, and an interesting phenomenon.
Find the odd pod on Twitter and Instagram @oddentitypod and on Facebook as The Oddentity Podcast. You are welcome to email suggestions for future episodes to and if you’d like a transcript of this episode, one will be available at
Please take a moment to leave a 5* review on iTunes and, if you haven’t already, please make sure to mash that Subscribe button to be sure you’re in the know when a new episode drops. Sincerest thanks to those who have promoted The ODDentity Podcast to their family, friends, and coworkers. Every little bit helps!
Sources/Additional Links:
The Nightmare: Sleep Paralysis Documentary
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
S5 Ep. 1: Evaporated People
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
S5 Ep. 1: Evaporated People
Every year, over 100,000 people go missing in Japan and there’s a whole business surrounding orchestrated disappearances. Join me as I take you inside the Night Moving business in Japan and the folklore and spooky tales that permeate this part of the world. Is there a connection?
This episode contains a magical body part, a dude who wants to be a rock, some Japanese folklore, and tales of being spirited away.
Get Social!
Find the odd pod on Twitter and Instagram @oddentitypod and on Facebook as The Oddentity Podcast. You are welcome to email suggestions for future episodes to and if you’d like a transcript of this episode, one will be available at
Please take a moment to leave a 5* review on iTunes and sincerest thanks to those who have promoted The ODDentity Podcast to their family, friends, and coworkers. Every little bit helps!
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
S4 Ep. 12: Haunted Holidays
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
This week, I wanted to draw attention to the reason for the season: ghost stories. An old tradition from the Victorian era was to tell ghost stories over the holidays in front of a roaring fire and I think it’s a tradition that should be rekindled.
This episode contains a little communication history, cave drawings, a little Dickens (among others), and a special holiday treat.
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Twitter and IG: OddentityPod
Facebook: The ODDentity Podcast
Please take a moment and leave a 5* review on iTunes. I’d sure appreciate it. 😊
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
S4 Ep. 11: Happy Medium
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
This week, I present to you one of the most notorious mediums of all time. Even more cringe-worthy (by today’s standards) than The Long Island Medium. I’m speaking of course of Eva Carriere, a woman with the unique ability to produce “ectoplasm” (cheesecloth) from every orifice of her body. She was also super keen on cutting photos out of magazines.
This episode contains SO much chewed paper, a 300-year-old spirit, a rousing game of "Hide the Gauze", and a disillusioned German psycho therapist.
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Twitter and IG: OddentityPod
Facebook: The ODDentity Podcast
Phenomena Of Materialisation: A Contribution to the Investigation Of Mediumistic Teleplastics by Albert Schrenck-Notzing
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
S4 Ep. 10: Haunted Monterey
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
This week Janine talks to author and journalist Patrick Whitehurst about his new book Haunted Monterey County. Discussion ranges from Whitehurst’s favorite haunted locations to traditional folklore tales and soul-sucking cats.
About Patrick Whitehurst
Patrick Whitehurst is a fiction and non-fiction author. As a journalist, he’s worked for a number of newspapers and covered everything from the heartbreaking deaths of nineteen Granite Mountain Hotshots to President Barack Obama’s visit to Grand Canyon. He’s also the author of the novellas Monterey Noir and Monterey Pulp, with a third, Monterey Lies, in the works. His most recent book, Haunted Monterey County, reveals the many ghostly locations found in the Central Coast community. He’s currently at work on a fifth nonfiction book for The History Press, Murder & Mayhem in Tucson, Arizona, due out late next year. Patrick lives with his fiancé and four little dogs in Tucson, Arizona. Find him online at, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.
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Find The ODDentity Podcast on Twitter and IG as @oddentitypod.
Facebook: The ODDentity Podcast
Email your recommendations for spooky places I should cover or send your favorite folklore tales or stories about true paranormal experiences you’ve had.